About Us

Who am I

I'm Lucimara da Silva, I'm 48 years old. I've been in the US since 1989. I came looking for an opportunity for a better life. In Brazil I lived with my mother and my 02 sisters where today is the Espaço Cultural Esperança. I have 03 beautiful children and 04 beautiful grandchildren. My life motto is: Do for the other what you would like to be done for you! I am grateful to God for having made me with the courage to conquer difficult and complicated things that in human eyes would be impossible. I don't have any degree, unfortunately, I do housecleaning (cleaning houses), but I have a heart that is incapable of seeing the suffering and inequality of others and not being moved. I ask God to make me an instrument to make a difference. That's why I created the Esperança Cultural Space, to bless and transform lives, to bring the existence of dreams that might never exist… If we can't change the world, at least we can sow the love of Christ Jesus! Thanks.

Espaço Cultural Esperança

“Each of us can make one day the next shine brighter with love and hope.”

Espaço Cultural Esperança is a non-profit philanthropic organization located at Av. Juiz de Fora number 1057 in Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

I thank the chain of friends who believed in this dream!!!


Offer kids, teens and adults classes in musical instruments and various handicrafts.


Provide a form of educational, intellectual and disciplinary socialization; concentration; self esteem; developing the ability to work together and respect others; the expansion of cultural and leisure baggage that give them chances to stand out in the world of music and develop skills.


The Espaço Cultural Esperança was built by a lover of music and solidarity (Lucimara da Silva). The school's first musical instruments and plaques were donated by friends. The administration and classes will be developed by teachers and others who believe in the value of music as a form of social and cultural inclusion..


Will be offered to students; musical instrument classes such as: guitar, keyboard, flutes, percussion, theory and singing, ensemble practice, band, choir and composition.

- Manual arts classes such as: knitting, crochet, embroidery, carpet making, handicrafts, etc....

- We will also have dance and Bible Study.

We believe that we will make a difference in people's lives and that we will sow the love of Christ Jesus. In both parts: both for the volunteers, because it's better to give than to receive, and for the students because they receive an opportunity they might not have.

But for this social project to take place, we need the help of volunteers with knowledge and/or training in the area. If you feel touched in your heart to collaborate as a volunteer or if you can't donate part of your time and can donate financial resources to help young people and adults have access to culture and art, welcome too!

Thank you very much!

May God in His infinite goodness bless you, repay you and protect you.

May each one contribute to spreading drops of hope in this life.


WhatsApp: +1 (508) 371-7018
Email: espacoculturalesperanca@hotmail.com

Be part of this project!

We need sponsorship, supporters and volunteers.